D.Levine Industries

Welcome to D.Levine Industries, the Quality alternative to mass-produced MegaCorp junk!

Location: Minnesota, United States

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10 August 2006


Hey, look at that; a new blog post.

I just moved into my new apartment last week. I'm getting phone and internet service through Qwest, so, of course, I just got the phone lines working last night, and I won't have internet access until next Monday. So, don't expect to see me on AIM before then. In the mean time, I thought I'd write this up to let everyone know I'm still alive and well. Also, work is incredibly boring this morning.

As for my new apartment, things are pretty good. I got a place with no one above me, a garage below me, and no shared walls, so I can play DDR at 3:00 in the morning and hopefully not disturb anyone. Which is nice, because I picked up DDR Extreme 2 over the weekend, along with a 2nd Ignition 3.0 dance pad. Now I can try Double mode!

I also bought about $1500 worth of new furniture, including a reclining loveseat that is almost more comfortable to sleep on than my bed. So that's nice. I also have a fireplace with a mantle which is perfect for setting up all the little toys Justin brought me from Japan.

I think that's it for now. Check y'all later.


Blogger Christopher Charles Horatio Xavier King III, Esq. said...

Awesome! I'm glad the move went well. Congrats on the new toys; it's fun to make a new place your own. I bet the dance parties will be quite impressive. No neighbors... that's every apartment dweller's dream.

6:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All I can say is... jerk! You 'n your DDR paradise with a fireplace/mantle of decadence! How can you live with yourself in such filthy riches when there are POOR PEOPLE in the world! I'll be right over!

11:43 PM  

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