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03 January 2006

I Need a Haircut. Also, a New Eye

Okay, okay, I'm posting, geeze.

I don't have much to say tonight, I don't think, but I've got something to say,
which is more than I've had for the past week or two, so I might as well get it down now.

To set the mood, I'd just like to inform you that I just got back from my first day at work in almost two weeks, I had basically no sleep last night, and I had my pupils dilated this morning. So I may end up spouting random crap here and there. Please bear with me.


See? Like that, that's what I'm talking about.

Moving on. A little while ago I was chatting on AIM with my good friend Andrew and we were discussing the qualities that make a woman desirable. He suggested I write up a post on what what I think would be the ideal balance between appearance, personality, and brains. I liked the idea, but after thinking about it for a while, I realized that's not really the way I think about women. What I'm looking for is a woman who is attractive, personable, and available. So I'll address these three aspects instead.

So, firstly, I'm looking for an attractive woman. This may sound shallow, but I think it's essential for an honest, fulfilling romantic relationship. I don't think it would be fair to either of us otherwise; I'd be disappointed at having less than I desire, and she'd resent the fact that she's not getting my full affection. The flip side of this coin, of course, is that I'd also expect any woman I'd have a relationship with to find me attractive, as well. Furthermore, I'd like to state for the record that I have seen attractive women of every shape, size, and color, so I'm not talking about some idealized magazine model of beauty, here. Sure, it'd be great to go out with a woman as attractive as, say, Catherine Zeta-Jones, but it's not a requirement. Just someone who's pleasant to look at.

Of course, a woman might be the most pleasant thing in the world to look at, but if she's also not pleasant to be around and talk with, then there's no chance of a relationship. But as with appearance, there's not really any particular personality I'm looking for, just someone who is mostly friendly, easy to converse with, and is willing to accept and reciprocate my affection. I think Andrew's "brains" attribute would factor in as a part of this--it would probably be difficult to sustain a conversation with woman who can't count to ten--but I don't necessarily agree that it's essential. It doesn't really matter to me if she just earned her GED or has Ph.D's in both quantum physics and geopolitical science, as long as she's friendly and pleasant to be around, and feels the same about me. Although, a woman who has all three of those degrees would probably be a very interesting date, to say the least.

Now, to be certain, I've met many women in my time that are both attractive and personable. In fact, if you've been keeping up with this blog, you've already read about several of them. The major sticking point for me has always been the issue of availability. Every pretty, friendly woman I've ever known long enough to consider asking out has always turned out to already have a boyfriend or husband or whatever. And I don't like the idea of "stealing" someone away from someone else, not just because of the implication of people as property, but assuming I were even capable of it, I wouldn't be able to trust her not to dump me as soon as the next best thing came along. So that's that.

Okay, I'm tired of writing now, so let's wrap this up.

Today's lessons:

1) Looks count for something.

2) Looks aren't everything.

3) I will die alone. Oh well.

Okay, I'm done. Lukewarm sheetwiches and whatnot.


Blogger Christopher Charles Horatio Xavier King III, Esq. said...

Good analysis. A humble suggestion: you're really close to getting some alliteration going. Maybe you could say "Attractive, Amiable, and Available"?

8:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Regarding your attitude toward looks and attractiveness: Bravo! You're not at all being shallow. Being shallow would mean basing your entire opinion of someone on their looks. I think we as a society have gone too far with this whole denial of the existence of the body. What do I mean by that? I mean the way that people, mostly unattractive people, have convinced the world that "it's what's inside that counts" and "don't judge people by their appearance." But one cannot deny human biology. For obvious reasons, a marriage would not work if the partners were not attracted to each other physically. We as humans are composed of both a body and a soul (or mind, if your philosophy prefers that term). Therefore, we are attracted not just to one or the other, but the person as a whole.

Oh, and I can personally attest to the fact that there are women out there who agree with you on everything you've written. Be patient, and you just may well not die alone.

12:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Geeze, get a room, you two.

1:35 AM  

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